Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Magellan GPS - Explorist 500 LE


Watching GPS trends... 

I'm going to start paying attention to the handheld GPS market. Here's a press release on the $225 Magellan Explorist 500 LE: Link to Magellan GPS .

I currently have a Magellan Meridian Platinum. It's a fine machine I got back in... 2001? I think the end of 2001 or very early 2002. I've been downloading tracks from it recently and transforming them into polylines on a Virtual Earth custom web page.

Works. But. The Meridian uses a twist-to-tighten COM connection. I only have one computer left with a COM port. Moving to USB is a must; BlueTooth would be a big gain, too. And accuracy. I'll probably buy a Magellan product again. For a Y2K product, the Meridian just worked and had lots of great features.

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